Three Firsts At The Fair!

For the second year straight, we have placed first in Architectural Photography (Professional) at the Utah State Fair. Coming on the heels of winning the first “Best of State” for commercial photography, I think these two awards go a long way to saying how well received my commercial and architectural photography has become in Utah.

This image of the Adobe building in Lehi Utah was build from over 30 composited images. You may also note the excessively bright outlet mall video sign was removed from the final composite. Sometimes, to make your subject really pop, you need to remove the distractions…

First Place Architectural Photography
First Place Architectural Photography

In Fine Art Photography- the two pieces I entered both placed, but did about opposite of what I thought… The Ice Floe placed Honorable Mention and this other piece placed FIRST! Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE Primary Colors (the yellow building shot)… but I honestly did not think the judges would! When I found this, I was blown away. This was a shot I found while doing a regular real estate shoot. I entered the house through the garage and walked up those stairs to the right turned around, saw this. I just KNEW I had to shoot it. So I am surprisingly happy the judges thought it was as cool as I did. So, over the last four years…. two best of shows and two first places in Fine Arts- I feel VERY LUCKY, and my thanks to all the judges and volunteers at the State Fair!

First Place in Fine Art
First Place in Fine Art

I did fairly well at the State Fair this year (see what I did there?) These two pieces did about opposite of what I thought… The Ice Floe placed Honorable Mention (Yeah!!) and this other piece placed FIRST! Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE Primary Colors (the yellow building shot)… but I honestly did not think the judges would! When I found this, I was blown away- I walked up those stairs to the right turned around, saw this and KNEW I had to shoot it. So I am surprisingly happy the judges thought it was as cool as I did. So, over the last four years…. two best of shows and two first places in Fine Arts- I feel VERY LUCKY, and my thanks to all the judges and volunteers at the State Fair!

And yes, those ARE real clouds in the window.

First Place in Composite Photography
First Place in Composite Photography

Of the four categories I entered, “Eight Arms to Hold You” was the third first place I received at the Fair. Overall, nailing three first places including Fine Art, all in the professional category, about the best I have done at the fair ever. This final image was a fun one to shoot, and a memorable day. Kahlan is just an incredible dancer and person, and if I am not mistaken, this is her third image with me that has won a first at the fair, too. So a good portion of the blame… I mean beauty!… of these images is due to her! Thanks Kahlan, I would not be here without you!

Anyone know where the title “Eight Arms To Hold You” comes from? (No, Ken, YOU can’t answer!)

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